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Mechanical Engineering - iNovAITec

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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical Engineering

Benefit from the most modern technology currently in use globally with  CAD / CAM / PLM system from Siemens Digital Indutries Software. Supplemented by our customer- and application-specific extensions for  NX, you will be well-equipped for any future global challenges. However,  even the best system adds nothing if it is not used correctly. In order to be able to get the maximum benefit from your software solution, we  offer a comprehensive portfolio of training adapted to your  requirements.
Basic Course
NX CAD Basics
NX CAM Basics
CNC Laser Engraver
Advanced Course
NX CAD Advanced
NX CAM Advanced
CAM Course
Manufacturing: NX 3-Axis Milling
Manufacturing: NX 5-Axis Milling
Manufacturing: NX Turning
Special Course
NX Freeform Surfaces Design
NX Freeform Surfaces For CAM
UserCycle Training
Developer Course
TCL/TK Training
NX APIs Training
3D Printing
Basic 3D Printing
Advanced 3D Printing
Autodesk Fusion 360
Postprocessor Course
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