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3D Kernels - iNovAITec

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3D Kernels

3D Kernels

Introduction to 3D-Kernels “OpenGL, Open CASCADE and OpenInventor”

Fundamentals: Develop with Open Cascade 3D-Kernel to build, Handle and view CAD models
Shape Healing: Use Open Cascade Technology to analyse and repair models imported from other CAD systems
Geometry and Meshing: Use advanced modelling and meshing services

Fundamentals Content
  • Parametric geometry
  • Constraint geometry
  • Geometric API
  • Boolean operation
  • Topological data structure
  • Boundary representation
  • Mesh storage and construction
  • Boolean operations between geometries
  • Geometric and mesh measurements

Shape Healing Content
  • Introduction to Shape Healing
  • Healing small faces
  • Healing free bounds
  • Modifying surface continuity
  • Shape splitting
  • Converting geometry to Bezier
  • Converting surfaces to B-Splines

Geometry and Meshing Content
  • Creation Mesh from CAD models
  • Control of mesh quality
  • Create of a group of elements
  • Heterogenic mesh
  • Cutting of hexahedral meshes
  • Quadrangle with 5 edges


3 Days

Price per participant
2.450 EUR


  • Computer engineers
  • Developers

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